Provider Contracts and Payment Rates
Provider contracts routinely need to be updated. New product lines, changing regulations, changing administrative requirements, updated payment models, bundled payments, risk sharing and value-based payment all impact contracts.
ATTAC’s experts review and design provider contracts to ensure you meet plan goals and are compliant. We provide strategic guidance on key provisions, delegate service-level agreements and compensation models for different products in different states.
As the role of non-traditional and home and community and/or long-term services and supports providers expands, count on us as an expert resource to guide your contracting efforts. We’ve assisted numerous plans with contract and compensation design for non-traditional and HCBS/LTSS providers.
Provider Recruitment Materials and Process Design
Meaningful and effective provider recruitment materials, data gathering processes and credentialing workflows are key to reduce administrative burdens while supporting internal operations and regulatory compliance. Materials that request information that can be collected by other means can cause unnecessary frustration for providers and staff.
ATTAC’s Provider Network team can assist you to develop provider recruitment and communication materials, provider manuals and front-office training materials. We deliver insights into provider portal design to enhance provider satisfaction.
Contract and Credentialing Workflow Optimization
It’s vital to establish and maintain an effective contract and credentialing workflow to support and sustain provider network growth and adequacy. The process begins with contracting and flows through credentialing and configuration. Streamlining these processes improves accuracy of data, timeliness of onboarding providers, and member access to care.
We understand the importance of implementing an effective end-to-end contract and credentialing workflow. Our team assesses client documentation, workflows, policies and procedures to identify areas of risk, shares best practices and recommends areas for process improvement and optimization. We help clients implement process changes to make the provider onboarding process more effective, accurate and timely.