Monitoring access to providers is critical for member retention and quality. Accurate provider data is a basic requirement.


ATTAC Consulting Group provides critical solutions for plans to monitor and manage member access to providers. We provide key data and insight into  members’ ability to access providers in your network.  Our analytics provide detailed reporting on access issues to allow plans to take action to resolve data and access issues.

Provider Access & Availability Surveys 

We help plans:

Improve scores, beyond just the exercise of measuring | Drive year-over-year results through provider education  | Capture detailed, actionable provider data to fix root-cause access problems

Provider Data Validation Services

ATTAC provides “last mile” outreach services to attempt to contact providers and validate provider data when discrepancies are identified. We have extensive experience in working with providers to investigate and attempt to resolve provider data issues.

Provider Data Maintenance Processes

We help clients design control points, workflows and processes that identify potential issues and indicate when to take action to resolve discrepancies.

Provider Data Management and Directory Validation

Maintaining accurate provider directory data requires solid end-to-end processes including controls, processes and decision trees to identify likely discrepancies.