CMS, CCIIO, state Medicaid agencies and state insurance departments hold plans accountable for the performance and compliance of their first-tier, downstream and related entities (FDR) for services they are delegated.

ATTAC provides solutions to develop your organization’s auditing and oversight programs 

  • Delegate data-capture and testing
  • Delegate training and standard tool development
  • Design and implementation of critical delegate reporting and process oversight
  • Creation of dashboards and key performance metrics
  • Design of delegate audit tools and training of plan staff in auditing

ACG’s solutions cover oversight programs for delegates

  • Outsourced Enrollment Operations
  • Outsourced Claims Operations
  • Delegated Credentialing for IPAs and Medical Groups
  • Delegated Utilization Management for IPAs and Medical Groups
  • Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs)
  • Field Marketing Organizations (FMOs) and Sales Agents
  • Fulfillment Operations
  • Dental and Vision Sub-Contractors
  • Hearing Sub-Contractors
  • Social Determinant Sub-Contractors
  • Routine Audits of Your Delegates