Risk Adjustment

Medicare Advantage, ACA & Medicaid Risk Adjustment

Robust Programs for Complete, Accurate & Compliant Submission

ATTAC’s risk adjustment experts help health plans, provider organizations and vendors implement effective risk adjustment programs for Medicare Advantage, commercial, ACA and Medicaid.

We’re one of the nation’s leading risk adjustment auditors for ACA HHS-RADV audits and Medicare Advantage risk adjustment audits and reviews.

Risk adjustment impacts the bottom line, and ensuring complete and accurate diagnosis capture and reporting of illness burden is critical. ATTAC’s experts can help you implement an effective and compliant program.

Risk Adjustment Optimization, Compliance & Program Development

Medicare Advantage RADV Audits, Compliance & Overpayments

Risk Adjustment Auditing

Medical Record Coding and Retrospective Chart Coding

Risk Adjustment Program Development, Optimization & Compliance

Risk Adjustment Program Design & Optimization for Providers

Talk with a risk adjustment expert

Contact us to get an evaluation of your current compliance and payment accuracy