Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps: Collaborative Solutions for Improving Behavioral Health Access and Documentation

Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps: Collaborative Solutions for Improving Behavioral Health Access and Documentation

by Lynn Kryfke, MSN, RN, Sr. Consultant, Risk Adjustment | Jon Rogers, Sr. Consultant, Risk Adjustment  CMS recently announced its Innovation in Behavioral Health Model, intended to “improve quality of care, access, and outcomes for people with mental health conditions and substance use disorders in Medicaid and Medicare.”

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Changes to Medicare Advantage Network Adequacy Requirements for Behavioral Health Services: What You Need to Know

– by Jocelyn Bayliss, Program Lead, Provider Network Management & Tina Gallagher, Market Manager, Provider Network Management In April 2023, CMS issued a final rule that added two new specialty types, clinical psychology and clinical social work, to network adequacy standards. Addition of Specialty Types and Amendments

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