Notification of Supplemental Benefits and Data Integrity: How Will CMS 2025 Final Rule Requirements Affect Your Medicare Advantage Plan?

Notification of Supplemental Benefits and Data Integrity: How Will CMS 2025 Final Rule Requirements Affect Your Medicare Advantage Plan?

Charles Baker, VP, Compliance Solutions and Tammy Hall, Senior Consultant, Compliance Solutions Medicare Advantage (MA) plans offering supplemental benefits have reported enrollee underutilization of many of these benefits. Supplemental benefits may include hearing, dental, vision, fitness programs, over-the-counter drugs, transportation for medical appointments, and other services that address

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The Battle For Medicare Advantage Star Ratings: SCAN and Elevance Victories Provide a Roadmap for Plans to Challenge CMS Methodologies

The Battle For Medicare Advantage Star Ratings: SCAN and Elevance Victories Provide a Roadmap for Plans to Challenge CMS Methodologies

By Charles Baker, VP, Compliance Solutions In the world of Medicare Advantage, the calculation of Star Ratings is more than a measure of quality – it’s a pivotal marker that can significantly sway federal funding and market competitiveness. Against the backdrop of high financial stakes and rigorous

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Webinar Replay | Value-based Care is a Team Sport: How Providers Can Operationalize Risk Adjustment Initiatives

Webinar Replay | Value-based Care is a Team Sport: How Providers Can Operationalize Risk Adjustment Initiatives

An insightful webinar exploring the power of collaboration between providers and health plans to achieve accurate risk-adjusted compensation. While providers and health plans may have different perspectives, there are numerous synergies and opportunities to use data analytics and drive value for patients. We delve into how providers

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