Case Study | How ATTAC Helped a Large Multi-state Health Plan Win a Medicaid Bid by Expanding the Plan’s Provider Network

A multi-state Medicaid plan faced a competitive bid for contract renewal. The state is moving to mandatory managed Medicaid for its standard Medicaid population as well as dual-eligible and long-term services and supports’ enrollees who need home- and community-based services. It was a substantial rebid with a

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HHS Introduces Standards for Healthcare Transactions and Electronic Signatures

The demand for administrative simplification, particularly related to prior authorization, continues to increase On December 15, 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a proposed rule for the Adoption of Standards for Health Care Attachments Transactions and Electronic Signatures, and Modification to Referral Certification and

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Five Keys to Successful Project Management

Are you prepared for your health plan’s next big project? Do you have the skills and time to tackle the project? As you consider these questions, here are five key considerations that contribute to the success of any project. 1. Ensure that everyone understands the project or program

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RADAR on Medicare Advantage | New Third-Party Marketing Oversight Duties Have Industry Scrambling Before AEP

After observing a high volume of marketing-related complaints that the federal government believes are driven by the actions of third-party marketing organizations (TPMOs), CMS this month is implementing several new requirements aimed at protecting Medicare beneficiaries as they compare coverage options during the 2023 Annual Election Period

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Provider Access & Availability Surveys: Is Your Plan Meeting Access to Care and Appointment Availability Requirements?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that all health plans have written standards for access to care timeliness and member services. Your health plan is required to: Most states have a standard set requirement for primary and specialty care access and availability. Is your

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